Bertilde alcinor, who goes by the stage name Queen Omayah. A name that truly suits her for she is a Queen indeed. She represents femininity, sensuality, confidence, and boldness which is apparent in all of her music videos. She has hit singles such as “Cheri,M’ Ali”, “Lakay Se Lakay”, and “Mwen Pran Nan Mera”. “Cheri M’ Ale” has over 14,000 views and counting and she is currently working on more music as we speak, she iskeeping quiet on the future projects that she is working on but rest assured, she did state that in the interview with Kompagrooves that she is collaborating with other big names in the industry. She has been featured on networks such as 4DiaspoTV, Sak Pase.Fm, and Kompagrooves(KompaMagazine) which are well known in the haitian community/haitian music industry(HMI). She had recently done an artist spotlight with Kompagrooves where she was questioned on her sex appeal, church life, being a married woman while being an artist and what are the upcoming projects that she has coming up. When questioned about what is the difference between being confident and conceited, she stated that she knows herself, “I know myself, I know that I am a masterpiece created in God’s image…”(Queen Omayah – Kompagrooves). She also
mentioned that she loves people, she is a social butterfly and an avid networker. She respects herself and she respects people, she calls herself a free soul and that she have always had a love for entertainment, music and art ever since she was a young
girl. Her humble and approachable magnetic personality is what brought her to where
she is and what will ultimately catapult her to her God-given destination. I see her being
a house hold name not only in the haitian music industry but also in the music industry
in general. If you want to be kept up to date and in touch with her and whichever project
that she is doing, it is highly suggested that you follow her on all of her social media.